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RELiZORB Support Services is a support program for tube-fed patients who have been prescribed RELiZORB to help break down fats. RELiZORB Support Services is available to help provide patients with the resources they need to ensure a positive RELiZORB experience, and our dedicated case management team works directly with payers to gain patient approvals.
will be assigned a dedicated RELiZORB Program Coordinator who is available by phone or email to help with:
will have access to a RELiZORB Program Coordinator dedicated to helping you and your office staff along the way with:
Team members have fluency in Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, and French. With geographic distribution across the US, RELiZORB Support Services offers local market support with regional payer expertise.
Support is just a phone call away at 1-844-632-9271, or email [email protected]
For a patient to be eligible to receive RELiZORB, the Patient Enrollment Form and the Patient Authorization Form are needed. You and your patient (or their representative) can work together to complete the required forms; just follow these 3 easy steps:
The following resources are for use by healthcare professionals only. Depending on the individual patient you are treating, to help avoid delays in RELiZORB cartridge approval or to assist with managing a denial, the following materials may be helpful.
Effective January 1, 2019, RELiZORB has a permanent, separately billable Medicare billing code (B4105). In addition, RELiZORB was assigned the PE04 (Enteral Equipment and/or Supplies) Product and Service Code, which may be relevant for certain patients under the July 11, 1984, Medicare National Coverage Determination for Enteral and Parenteral Nutritional Therapy (180.2).
RELiZORB can be ordered directly from Alcresta Therapeutics, Inc:
To report an adverse reaction, complaint, or product safety concern, please complete the Complaint Report Form and return to Alcresta Quality Assurance at [email protected].
GPO=group purchasing organization; HCPCS=healthcare common procedure coding system.
Review full product information for RELiZORB in the Instructions for Use.