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Equip your patients with the right tools to take on fat malabsorption, improve tube-feeding tolerance, and get more from their enteral formula4–6

RELiZORB is indicated for use in pediatric patients (ages 1 year and above) and adult patients to hydrolyze fats in enteral formula1

RELiZORB hydrolyzes fats prior to ingestion6

RELiZORB is a digestive enzyme cartridge that connects in-line to a variety of EN setups to ease the burden of the fat-digestion process for your tube-fed patients experiencing fat malabsorption.6

RELiZORB (iMMOBILIZED lipase) cartridge

Designed to mimic the function of the digestive pancreatic enzyme lipase, RELiZORB contains the lipase-bead complex iLipase® (iMMOBILIZED lipase) between 2 filters to hydrolyze fats as formula flows through.6

See how RELiZORB works

RELiZORB is proven to hydrolyze available fats, including medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) and long-chain triglycerides (LCTs)6,7

  • LCTs are complex and contain essential fatty acids
  • Compared to MCTs, LCTs are harder to hydrolyze but provide ~10% more calories

RELiZORB provides continuous fat hydrolysis throughout the entire feed6,7

References: 1. Limketkai BN, Shah ND, Sheikh GN, Allen K. Classifying enteral nutrition: tailored for clinical practice. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2019;21(9):47. doi:10.1007/s11894-019-0708-3 2. Mahesar SA, Sherazi STH, Khaskheli AR, Kandhro AA, Uddin S. Analytical approaches for free fatty acids assessment in oils and fats. Anal Methods. Published online May 15, 2014. doi:10.1039/C4AY00344F 3. RELiZORB formulas. Alcresta Therapeutics, Inc; 2023. Accessed November 28, 2023. 4. Stevens J, Wyatt C, Brown P, Patel D, Grujic D, Freedman SD. Absorption and safety with sustained use of RELiZORB evaluation (ASSURE) study in patients with cystic fibrosis receiving enteral feeding. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2018;67(4):527-532. doi:10.1097/MPG.0000000000002110 5. Freedman S, Orenstein D, Black P, et al. Increased fat absorption from enteral formula through an in-line digestive cartridge in patients with cystic fibrosis.  J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2017;65(1):97-101. doi:10.1097/MPG.0000000000001617 6. RELiZORB. Instructions for use. Alcresta Therapeutics, Inc; 2023. 7. Shah ND, Limketkai BN. The use of medium-chain triglycerides in gastrointestinal disorders. Practical Gastroenterol. 2017;41(2):20-28.

RELiZORB is indicated for use in pediatric patients (ages 1 year and above) and adult patients to hydrolyze fats in enteral formula.

  • RELiZORB is for use with enteral feeding only.

RELiZORB is indicated for use in pediatric patients (ages 1 year and above) and adult patients to hydrolyze fats in enteral formula.

  • RELiZORB is for use with enteral feeding only.
  • RELiZORB should not be connected to any intravenous (IV) line, setup, or system.
  • Medications should not be administered through the RELiZORB cartridge. Do not add medications to the enteral formula or tubing before RELiZORB. The passage of medications through RELiZORB may adversely affect the medications or the ability of RELiZORB to hydrolyze fats.
  • Fibrosing Colonopathy - Fibrosing colonopathy is a rare, serious adverse reaction associated with high-dose use of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis. The underlying mechanism of fibrosing colonopathy remains unknown. Patients with fibrosing colonopathy should be closely monitored because some patients may be at risk of progressing to stricture formation. RELiZORB contains lipase enzyme that is not from a porcine source. The lipase is bound to the beads, and this lipase-bead complex (iLipase) is retained within the RELiZORB cartridge. Continue to follow your physician’s guidance and porcine pancreatic enzyme labeling regarding porcine pancreatic enzyme use when used in conjunction with RELiZORB.
Cautions and Precautions
  • Do not re-use RELiZORB. RELiZORB is a single-use product. Re-use may result in contamination of the product. If re-used, RELiZORB may not effectively hydrolyze fats.
  • Do not break, alter, or place excess pressure on any part of RELiZORB. Any compromise of the structural integrity of RELiZORB may lead to improper connection to enteral feeding supplies, enteral formula leakage or risk of contamination.
  • Do not use RELiZORB after the date marked on the pouch.
  • Do not use blenderized formulas with RELiZORB. A detailed listing of enteral formulas compatible with RELiZORB can be found at
  • RELiZORB is designed for use with enteral feeding pump systems with low flow/no flow alarms and enteral syringes for manual bolus by syringe (push or gravity). A detailed listing of formulas, pumps, and enteral feeding supplies compatible with RELiZORB can be found at
  • Do not use excessive force when using RELiZORB with enteral syringe push feeding methods.
  • Do not rush bolus feeds. Follow guidance from your healthcare professional on how long it should take you to complete your tube feeding.
  • Ensure all inlet and outlet connectors on RELiZORB and enteral feeding supplies are clean and dry prior to making connections.
  • In order to ensure product performance, store RELiZORB in its pouch either refrigerated or at room temperature (2°C to 27°C; 36°F to 80°F).
  • RELiZORB is indicated for use with enteral feeding only; patients should follow physician’s guidance for pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) use for meals and snacks. Patients and patient caregivers should follow physician’s guidance regarding the need for pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) during enteral feeding.

Review full product information for RELiZORB in the Instructions for Use.